Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Looking back over the last several years, God has been increasing my awareness of the importance of both the local church and the family. An awareness that has cultivated a greater love for both of these God-ordained institutions.

This blog is intended to "co-champion"(a term not original to me) these two institutions. It's intent is to serve as a resource for the family, to be a forum for parental dialogue, to draw attention to biblically faithful articles, links, reviews and other outlets regarding family issues.

During 2011, each Friday will be "Friday's with The Heidelberg." The Heidelberg Catechism is a 16th century Catechism that was divided into 52 Lord's Day readings. Perhaps it will create some "food for thought" during family worship throughout the year.

Interspersed between these weekly catechetical comments will be random entries discussing the church and family.

I hope you enjoy the blog. I pray it encourages and equips.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Doug for the effort to promote these truths - so simple and succinct, so foundational to our hope. It is rooted in this ground that we may grow in the grace and truth of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

    How dark would it be apart from these revealed truths! Praise God for the gracious work of his Holy Spirit to bring these to life in our hearts.

    May God use these as kernal questions/answers through which families can interact/ dialogue and gain encouragement and instruction.
